Anaya Martin is an Assistant Chef at the West Brighton Community Center located in Staten Island.
Q & A with Anaya
1. How did you get involved with The Sylvia Center?
I got involved with the Sylvia center though Community Chef Sarah.
2. What does food mean to you?
Food means family and friends to me. Growing up I was involved with scouts so I had to know how to make a balanced meal for me and my patrol. Also, cooking with my friends and goofing off as we make dinner.
3. Do you have a favorite dish that you like to make?
I like to make curry and Mac n Cheese.
4. Do you know want you want to do in the future? What are your goals?
I want to be a firefighter, always wanted to be one since I was young. My grandma and both my uncles are firefighters too.
5. What inspires/motivates you?
What motivates me is knowing that I am playing a part in my community and also being able to learn new things with the students in The Sylvia Center program.
6. What advice, if any would you give to the students and what do you want them to take away from the program?
To pursue the things that make them happy and to know that making your own food is not as hard as some people think.
Fun Fact about Anaya:
For an Out Island Adventure with her Staten Island troop, Anaya paddled five miles in a war canoe to Big Munson Island in the Atlantic Ocean off the Florida Keys. She paddled and camped on the coast with members of her troop for a 7-day epic adventure. One big challenge was packing everything they needed onto and off of the island, including all their food and water. We’re sure she was a favorite camp cook.