Curried Winter Squash Soup

By December 12, 2017May 3rd, 2024Recipes

Need more creative ideas for cooking with squash this winter? Look no further than this curried winter squash soup. The sweetness of the apples and squash are complemented by the savory onions and spices. Once the squash is roasted the soup comes together quickly. We used butternut squash and topped it with cayenne pepper and fresh ground black pepper for an extra bite. It’s light yet filling and will warm you up on a cold winter day!

Curried Winter Squash Soup

Serves 4



2 small pumpkins or 1 butternut squash

1 large onion, diced

2 apples, diced

1 quart of chicken stock

1 teaspoon or more of curry powder





  1. Cut the squash into sections, remove filling and seeds.
  2. Roast at 375 degrees until tender, about 40-50 minutes. Roast seeds separately for garnish if desired.
  3. Let the roasted squash pieces cool.
  4. Meanwhile, sauté onions and curry powder until they are soft and fragrant.
  5. Add apples and continue to sauté for another few minutes.
  6. Peel the pumpkin and add the flesh to the soup pot.
  7. Then add stock to the soup pot.
  8. Bring the mixture to a boil, and then simmer for another five minutes.
  9. Use a blender to puree the mixture.
  10. Add salt and pepper to taste.